roundel jsl spacer hunter1
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          NOTE:-1  If F.95 nose camera is fitted with 4" lens,
                   then 1 ballast weight must be carried. If the
                   camera is subsequently removed. 4 further
                   ballast weights must be fitted.

          NOTE:-2  The ballast weight bars are each equivalent
                   to one standard weight, the ballast pedestals
                   are together equivalent to one standard
                   weight. Allowance must he made for the
                   effect of either or both e.g. if 14 weights are
                   specified above, this is equivalent to 2 bars
                   and 12 weights.

     (c)  Effect of expendable stores

          (i)  Firing ammunition causes the C.G. to move aft.

         (ii)  Use of belly tank fuel causes the C.G. to move
               slightly forward.  Consumption of internal fuel
               causes the C.G. to move forward, the furthest
               forward position being reached when about 1,500
               lb. (195 gallons) fuel remain.  The C.G.	then moves
               aft again.

     (d)  Typical service loads

          Reference fuel - AVTAG. 7.7 lb./gall.

Condition Approx. all up
weight (lb.)
Fighter recce role
        Cameras, full ammo. and full
        internal fuel.
Long range fighter recce role
        Cameras, full ammo. full
        internal and belly tank fuel.
(e) Baggage Personal baggage and small items of equipment may be carried in the empty ammunition tanks (170 lb. max. per tank) and in the equipment bays (50 lb. max. per bay). No alteration to ballast is required.


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