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                 ITEM                              CHECK                              |                    ITEM                             CHECK
  26. Rudder       Condition          | 41. Elevator	  Full and correct
                   Trimmer.           |     trimmer         movement.
                   External control   |     (Port).
                     lock removed.    |
                                      | 42. Priming fuel  As required.
  27. Tail light   Condition          |     selector
                                      |     cock.
  28. Port eleva-  Condition          |
        tor.       External control   | 43. Air-intake    Lever fully in
                     lock removed     |     heat control    (Cold).
                   Trimmer            | 44. Emergency     Off.
  29. Port tail-   Condition.         |     light switch.
        plane.     Leading edge.      | 45. Landing       Operation.
                   Under surface.     |     lamp.
  30. Port fuse-   Condition.         | 46. Navigation    As required.
      lage.                           |     lights.
  31. Static vent. Plug removed.      | 47. Pressure-     Off.
                                      |     head heater.
  32. Downward     Condition.         |
      identifica-                     | 48. Trim con-     As required.
      tion lights.                    |     trol lights
                                      |     switch.
  33. Sliding      Condition and      |
      hood           operation.       | 49. Ignition      Off
                   External emer-     |     switches.
                     gency lever.     |
                                      | 50. Magnetic      Servicability.
      Internal checks.                |     compass.
  34. Rear seat.   Control locks      | 51. Slow run-     Engine run (in).
                     stowed.          |     ning cut-out.
                   Crowbar in posi-   |
                     tion.            | 52. Air-intake    Filtered air(out).
                   No loose articles. |     filter con-
                                      |     trol.
  35. Cockpit.     Fire-extinguisher  |
                     in position.     | 53. Altimeter.    Set.
  36. Seat.        Adjust for height  | 54. Directional   Cage.
                                      |     indicator.
  37. Rudder       Adjust for length  |
      pedals.                         | 55. Identifica-   Operation, set
                                      |     tion lights.    switches as re-
  38. Flying con-  Full and correct   |                     quired.    
      trols.         movement.        |
      Cockpit checks.                 | 56. V.H.F./       Off.
                                      |     T.B.A.
      N.B.-Work from left to right    |
         and then down centre.        | 57. Fuel gauges.  Contents.
  39. Ground/      Flight.            | 58. Fire warn-    Out.
      flight                          |     ing light.
      switch.                         |
                                      | 59. Pneumatic     Available pres-
  40. Rudder       Full and correct   |     supply.         sure.
      trimmer        movement.        |                   Delivery to
      (Port).                         |                     brakes.


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