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No 93 Squadron Movement Order No. 10/52 10Oct52
93S/S.1/4/AIR	                                                    Copy No..17......

                    No. 93 SQUADRON OPERATION ORDER No. 10/52
(Reference No. 2 Group Operation Instruction No. 34/52) APPENDICES:- "A" - Main Party "B" - Air Party "C" - Equipment INFORMATION 1. During the period 21st to 24th October, 1952 inclusive, RETFOR THRUST Exercises will take place in the vicinity of TRIESTE.   4 Vampires from No. 93 Squadron and 3 Meteor Mk. 9 aircraft from No. 79 Squadron will take part in the exercise from a base at TREVISO.. INTENTION 2. To move 4 aircraft plus equipment and ground crew to TREVISO and to return after the exercise. EXECUTION 3. The move will take place by air as follows:- (a) Fg. Off. HARDCASTLE is to leave from GUTERSLOH on 16th October, 1952. (b) Main Party 'A' This party and equipment, as detailed at appendix 'A' and 'C', are to proceed to TREVISO by airlift on the 18th and 19th October, 1952. Aircraft for the lift will be at JEVER P.M. on the 17th October, 1952. (c) Air Party. The Air Party as at Appendix 'B' is to fly the aircraft detailed to TREVISO on the 19th October, 1952, overflying FRANKFURT and staging through MUNICH NEUBIBERG. Time of take-off to be notified later. 4. Command The Royal Air Force Detachment at TREVISO will be commanded by Squadron Leader H. M. CHINNERY. The 93 Squadron Detachment will be commanded by Flt. Lt. A. W. PATERSON. ADMINISTRATIVE ARRANGEMENTS Advance Arrangements. 5. Fg. Off. HARDCASTLE is to :- (a) ensure the provision at TREVISO by RETFOR of :- (i) tents, (ii) beds, (iii) rations, (iv) kitchen equipment, (v) transport, (vi) 2 cooks, (vii) drivers, and (viii) refuelling facilities. (b) contact the Italian Air Force Staff at TREVISO and make all necessary administrative arrangements, which will include siting and erection of the camp and aircraft dispersal, supply of water and ablution facilities, etc. (c) prepare for the arrival of the aircraft, making all the necessary arrangements with Air Traffic Control Staff, with particular regard to establishing VHF D/F Homer facilities.   He is to be on duty in TREVISO Homer one hour before the aircraft arrive, and is to arrange for weather reports of TREVISO to be available at NEUBIBERG before the aircraft leave there. Equipment. 6. (a) All equipment is to be ready for loading into the aircraft by 17.00 hours on the 17th and 18th October, 1952. (b) Domestic equipment is to be include sufficient crockery and cutlery for the detachment. All ranks are to take their own bedding. (c) Personal equipment is not to exceed 40 lbs. Technical. 7. aircraft are to be fitted with long-range tanks and tested by 17.00 hours on the 18th October, 1952. Safety Equipment. 8. All pilots are to wear Mae Wests and dinghies for the flights. Medical. 9. All personnel are to carry current inoculation and vaccination certificates. Dress. 10. Best Blue is to be worn for the move and when off duty. Pay. 11. All personnel are to be paid before proceeding on detachment and obtain currency exchange as permitted. N.A.A.F.I. Rations. 12. There will be no N.A.A.F.I. at TREVISO. Enough cigarettes and chocolate for 7 days are to be drawn in advance. Mail. 13. It will not be possible to forward mail to the detachment. Mail from TREVISO may be despatched through normal Italian Postal channels. Customs. 14. All ranks are warned against attempting to evade custom regulations. All dutiable articles must be declared. Discipline. 15. Personnel are reminded that they are representing the Royal Air Force in a foreign country and therefore have a responsibility to create a favourable impression on the Italian Air Force and civilian population. Meals. 16. All personnel will carry haversack rations for 12 hours to be provided by respective Messes, INTERCOMMUNICATION Aircraft Crystallisation. 17. Orders for recrystallisation will be issued later at Squadron level.


                                                      Signed awpATERSON
Jever                                                (A.W.PATERSON) Flt. Lt.
10th October, 1952.                                Officer Commanding,
                                                   NO.  93   SQUADRON.


     External :-  Headquarters 2nd T.A.F.                    Copies No. 1 & 2.
                  Headquarters No. 2 Group.                     "    "  3 & 4.
                  Headquarters RETFOR.                          "    "  5 & 6
                  Officer Commanding, R.A.F. Jever.             "    "  7.
                  O.C. Admin. Wing.     "      "                "    "  8.
                  O.C. Flying Wing      "      "                "    "  9.
                  Accountant Officer,   "      "                "    "  10.
                  Catering Officer,     "      "                "    "  11.
    Internal :-   Squadron Commander.                        Copy No. 12.
                  Fg. Off. HARDCASTLE.                         "   "  13.
                  F.S. DAVIS.                                  "   "  14.
                  File.                                        "   "  15.
                  Form 540.                                    "   "  16 & 17.
                  Spare.                                       "   "  18, 19 & 20.




                                                            APPENDIX 'A' To
                                                            NO. 93 Squadron
                                                            Operation Order No.10/52



                      570938 F.S.    DAVIS, W.         Acr. Fitt.
                      574546 S/Tech. CROCKETT, K.      A/fr.Fitt.
                     4020969 Cpl.    WESTWOOD, D.      Eng.Fitt(S).
                     4012833 Cpl.    McKENZIE, C.P.    E.Fitt(Air).
                     4058159 LAC.    HARRISON, B.J.    A/fr.Mech(M).
                     2541685 LAC.    WALLACE, J.H.       "   "   "
                     4059586 LAC.    JEFFOOTE, B.W.      "   "   "
                     4054434 SAC.    HOBBS, P.           "   "   "
                     2457604 LAC.    O'KELLY, A.      Eng. Mech(T).
                     3508457 LAC.    WARWICK, D.       "    "   "
                     4057740 LAC.    BOWEN, J.R.       "    "   "
                     4050127 LAC.    WILSON, B.C.      "    "   "
                     3507050 LAC.    GOODES, A.I.    I.Mech(Nav).
                     4051069 LAC.    HODGSON, E.G.   Air W. Mech.
                     4049789 LAC.    ADAMSON, W.G.   Arm.Mech(G).
                     4055661 LAC.    KIRK, M/A.       "    "  "
                     4054086 LAC.    PACKER, R.      Admin.Ord.
                     4066196 LAC.    DEWSBURY, G.    E.Mech(Air).




                                                            APPENDIX 'B' To
                                                            NO. 93 Squadron
                                                            Operation Order No.10/52



                      Flt. Lt.  A. W.   PATERSON       (58558)
                      Fg. Off. J.E.F.   HARDCASTLE   (3117519)
                      Fg. Off. J.C.M.   WOOD         (3005409)
                      Sgt.  D.  WEBSTER     (1605839)
                      Sgt. D.J. THOMAS      (4034408)




                                                            APPENDIX 'C' To
                                                            NO. 93 Squadron
                                                            Operation Order No.10/52



         1  Oxygen trolley                       2,600 lbs )
         1 Air       "                           2,600  "  ) - with bottles.
         4 Accumulators, starting.               5,200  "
         8 Chocks                                  250  "
         2 Wheels and
         4 tyres                                   200  "
         2 Jacks                                 1,000  "
         1 Triumph Charger                       1,500  "
         1 Tall trestle                            250  "
         2 tool kits                               100  "
         4 aircraft accumulators                   200  "
           Oils                                    100  "
           Spare Pack-up and Misc.
            Items in crate.                        350  "
           Bedding                                 250  "
                                               14,600  "
         PLUS  18 P.A.X.                        3,600 lbs


        Oxygen trolley, 11 x 3 x 4½                             150  cu.ft.
        Air      "           "                                  150
        Accumulators, starting,  78 x 4                         310
        Chocks                   16 x 2                          32
        Tyres and hubs            3½ x 6                         21
        Jacks, tripod            14 x 2                          28
        Mats mainplane            3 x 4                          12
        Aircraft accumulators     ½ x 4                           2
        Tool kits                1½ x 2                           3
        Triumph Charger                                         205
        Instrument spares                                         6
        Jerry Cans                1 x 4                           4
        Crate                                                    23
        Bedding                                                  40
                                                     Approx,  1,000 cu. ft.


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