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     58.  Cheeks before starting

          Batten isolation switch		ON.
          Throttle (21)				Closed.
          Engine L.P. cock (27)			On.
          Reheat L.P. cock (28)			On.
AL3/57     Ignition switch (32)			ON. Circuit breaker ???
          Starter master switch (33)		ON.
          Fuel muster switch (31)		ON, check fuel pressure
						  indicator black.
						1.   Clean aircraft
						     Forward and centre indi-
						     cators black.
						2.   Full belly tank
						     All internal indicators
						     white, belly tank indi
						     cator black.
          H.P. cock (2)				OFF, check relight aurally
						  by pressing the button on
						  the side of the H.P. cock.
						  Then set cock fully ON.

     59.  Starting the engine

     (a)  With the H.P. cock fully on. press the starter button.

     (b)  The starter cartridge fires over a period of 2-3 seconds
          during which time the engine speed should rise to
          approximately 1,450 r.p.m., and light-up occur. The
          engine should accelerate to the idling r.p.m., 2,750 ±
          100 in approximately 30 seconds.
A.L.1    (c)    Failure to start
Para. 59(c)    (i)  If the cartridge does not fire, close the H.P. cock
Page 54             immediately. It must not be assumed that the
                        breech is empty and the time switch should be
                        allowed to run out (30 seconds) before attempting a
                        further start. If the second and third cartridges
                        fail to fire have the defect investigated.
                 (ii)  If the cartridge fires, but the engine fails to light up,
                       close the H.P. cock without delay. If it is suspected
                       that an excess of fuel has collected in the engine, a


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