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          be cancelled by use of the shutoff switch. If there
          is any delay in cancelling, the reheat will light
          intermittently as pressure rises and falls. The
          indicator will remain white from the time the
          throttle is put through the gate until reheat is

     (ii) If the eyelids fail to open fully after light-up occurs,
          but back pressure is insufficient to operate the auto-
          matic cut-off, then the reheat will continue to burn.
          If the indicator does not go black after a maximum
          of five seconds after light-up then the reheat should
          be cancelled by use of the shut-off switch. Delay in
          cancelling will cause the amber hot gas warning light
          to come on. The indicator will behave as in (a)

    (iii) If the reheat fails to light up or flames out, the eye-
          lids will remain open, or partially open, causing a
          large drop in thrust and j.p.t. until reheat is can-
          celled, the eyelids will then close. The indicator will
          be unreliable until the reheat has been cancelled.

    (iv)  lf the eyelids remain open after the cancellation of
          reheat, a large drop in thrust and j.p.t. will he
          apparent and the indicator will remain white.

     (v)  If the amber hot gas warning light comes on, reheat
          should be cancelled if in use.

     55.  Cockpit temperature control and demisting air

     (a)  When the indicator is set at the junction of the medium
          (green) and cold (blue) sectors, cockpit air temperature
          will he comfortable for the initial climb. When a
          change in temperature is required the indicator should
          not be moved more than one division as there is a delay,
          in the temperature change and the control is very

     (b)  With high power settings at low altitude the demisting air
          is very hot, it should therefore only be switched on if
          misting occurs.  In order to prevent mist and ice forma-
          tion at high altitude however, the air should be switched
          on and left on until descent is complete.


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