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                      PART III - HANDLING
                  will remain at maximum pressure.  If a hydraulic
                  pipe is fractured, a lower than normal pressure
                  will be indicated initially and this will decrease
                  at a rate depending on the size of the fracture.
                  The check should not be repeated because at
                  each operation hydraulic oil will be lost.
A.L.1                         2. Landing with symmetric or asymmetric stores presents no
Page 78(c)                      difficulty.  When landing at low fuel states, with RP's re-
Page 77                          tained and with ammunition expended maximum nose-
                                    down trim is required.  If inboard drop tanks are also
                                    carried there will be insufficient nose-down trim available;
                                    to avoid a moderate push force on the approach not more
                                    than 38°flap should be selected
           (c)   Final approach
                     (i)  Turn across wind at 160 knots aiming to lower full flap on the
                          final stages.  Steep approaches are not recommended.

                     (ii) To ensure most rapid engine response maintain at least 4,500
                          r.p.m. until finally committed to a landing.  Under conditions of
                          high wind or gustiness it is more comfortable if the speeds below
                          are increased by 5 knots.
                     (iii)The recommended speeds, in knots, at the runway threshold:-
                          At normal landing weight
                          No ammunition, 800 lb. or less fuel remaining            130
                          At maximum landing weight
                          No ammunition, 1,800 lb. fuel remaining                     135
                          Full ammunition, 1,100 lb fuel remaining                     135
     79.  Landing
     (a)  As the touch-down point is approached, the rate of
          descent should be checked and the aircraft flown gently
          on to the ground at about 5-10 knots less than the run-
          way threshold speeds.  Holding off may result in an
          excessive nose-up attitude with the subsequent danger of
          dropping a wing; if the latter occurs, corrective aileron
          may be effective in raising the wing, but will cause the
          aircraft to yaw markedly in the direction of the down-
          going wing.  The nosewheel can be held off at speeds
          down to about 70 knots, but the shortest run is achieved
          by putting the nosewheel firmly on to the runway and
          applying the brakes.


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