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Calling Notice for 19May18 with 124 Wg & Minutes of Annual General Meeting 19May18

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stationpic948.jpg, 15641 bytes 61st Anniversary 122 Wing JSL AGM and 124 Wing Oldenburg to Gutersloh Reunion - Lunchtime Sat 19th May 2018


128 Piccadilly, London, W1J 7PY.
(100 yards E of Hyde Park Corner tube or 600 yds W of Green Park- Both Piccadilly Line - see map below).

     We voted to try an experiment for the two wing reunions for 2018. None of us like travelling or driving late at night and a night's accommodation can be an expensive extra. So we are holding the reunion on Saturday lunchtime - we are serving food at 1330 hrs to allow maximum time for the distant travellers. Just another reminder, if a food or accommodation booking is not cancelled before 17 May 2018 - Mick Ryan will be charged the full amount! Calling Notices will be going out early April 2018..

122 Wing Jever Steam Laundry Jever

     Last year again 24 attended - 13 from 122 Wg and 11 from 124.   The Golden Share was awarded to Ron and Del Gray - for regular attendance over many years.

     In this special RAF CENTENARY YEAR of 2018 we are hoping for a bigger turnout of all our Shareholders, wives and especially our widows while we all can still meet up fairly easily at the RAF Club under our present helpful arrangements, which higher numbers will also ensure for future years.

    We have lost another eight, that we know of, since the AGM last year. An ex-C.O. of 4 Sqn, Reggie Spiers (13Mar59 to 31Dec60) made his final landing in June17. Sam Newington 93 Sqn (Mar57 to Dec58), Bunny St Aubyn 2 Sqn (Apr 58 to after Jan61), Tommy Thomson 118 and 93 Sqn (Sep57 to Mar58) and "Q" Oswald 4 Sqn (27Feb57 to 28Sep57) were 4 of the Jever pilots who will land no more. Keith Paine, an "Outer Basket" shareholder from 16 Sqn at Celle (Sep52 to Apr56) also departed. An old friend from Germany, Gunter Kipp, passed away just after Christmas. Gunter was co-author of "The RAF in Germany" which he wrote with Roger Lindsay. Finally, very sadly, we must report the passing of dear Peter "Pfennig" Hunwick, during the period of deep snow earlier this year.

     Once again I would just like to reiterate and remind relatives of those who have died, regardless of when, that you are very welcome to attend. Some relatives may have reservations about this, but please do not feel shy, you will be made very welcome.

     Once again I would just like to reiterate and remind relatives of those who have died, regardless of when, that you are very welcome to attend.   Some relatives may have reservations about this, but please do not feel shy, you will be made very welcome.

124 Wing Gutersloh (plus Oldenburg & Ahlhorn)

     Fred Daley was able to attend from Koblenz in Germany, where he has moved to be very near his wife, Petra, now making a slow recovery we are all hoping.


     The Club is offering a choice of one of the following three hot dishes:

     1. Steak, Kidney and Mushroom Pie with Roast Potatoes & Vegetables - £20.50

     2. Chicken Curry with Rice and Popadoms - £20.50

     3. Fish & Chips - £20.50

     and for those who want to stay with the usual 124 Wing sustainers:

     4. Sandwiches (2 Rounds) - £10.50.

     5. And with any of the above, or by itself, Soup of the Day with Roll and Butter - £6.50

     When you reply to our Calling Notice, please let Mick know if you want food and what your choices are.   Please pay for it at the bar on the day.   If you are staying at the Club give your room number and it will be charged to your account.   Please try to give Mick an e-mail address, even if it is for a friend or relation who can pass it to you.   The cost of postage was about £35 last year and, this year, of the 181 calling notices that Mick sent out there were still 35 requiring stamps.


     Mick has not reserved any rooms this year at the RAF Club.   If you would still like to stay either before or after, (you do not have to be a member), just let Mick know what type of room you would like.   We recommend that you book early as the club is very successful these days and the rooms go several months ahead for the weekends.   [At time of despatch they are fully booked).   However, RAF Club members can book in to the Cavalry and Guards Club next door or any attender can book into the Caledonian Club (see Alternative Accommodation on the web site).

     The costs at the RAF Club for 2018, which do not include breakfast (£9.75), were as follows:

                                   Members    Non-members
     Single room                £91.00        £116.00

     Double room             £142.00       £182.00

     Double Superior room £158.00       £204.00

     Breakfast: £9.75

Try this new event - to be held on Saturday LUNCHTIME - for 2018

I have the honour to be

Your Almost Obedient Chairmen

Bill Maish and Fred Daley

AGM 2018 19th May starting at 1200 Hrs

To Mick Ryan, Far End, Chipstead Lane, Sevenoaks, Kent TN13 2RG

I will/will not be attending. Accompanied/unaccompanied

I do/do not require accommodation.  If so, type?....................................

Please reply by e-mail if possible to:
(Underscore, shifted hyphen, not a hyphen between mick and ryan.)

Please note that we use email letters to all those who have email addresses and ordinary mail to those who do not, so please keep us up to date. This year there were 36 posted and 146 E-mailed.


Please enter number of each required:

1. Steak, Kidney & Mushroom Pie - Roast Potatoes and Vegetables - £20.50.........

2. Chicken Curry with Rice and Popadoms - £20.50.......

3. Fish & Chips - £20.50.......

4. Sandwiches (2 Rounds) - £10.50(Please say if not white bread......

5. And with any of the above, or by itself, Soup of the Day with Roll and Butter - £6.50.......

Updates (Especially email)

Information Comments or Polite (MN) Suggestions (including who should get the Golden Share?):

If mail please return to: Mick Ryan, Far End, Chipstead Lane, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN13 2RG
                                                     Alternative Accommodation

1.  I offer the following suggestions for those who may make a late decision to come and may not be able to gain a room in the Club.

2.  Where web sites exist, I leave those of you on the net to look up the details. I have included some basic information on the accommodation for those not on the net so you will be able to contact the organisation of your choice.

3.  Caledonian Club.   The RAF Club has reciprocal arrangements with other clubs both in UK and overseas for RAF Club members only.   The Caledonian Club is one of them and is within easy walking distance of the Club, being at 9 Halkin Street Belgravia.   [See map below}.   The telephone number is: 020 7235 51662 - however, do not deal direct with the Caledonian Club in the first instance.   I suggest you do that through Mick to avoid any booking cockups.   I have included the number so if you are accommodated there you can contact the Caledonian Club about your personal arrangements.

maponly.jpg, 86299 bytes 4.  Direct Hotels London -   Modestly calls itself the most popular Hotels website for cheap hotels in London.   I suggest that if you are not on the net you ask a relative of friend who is, if you can call and see the website.   It would be easy for the person to book online for you.   There is a map showing where the hotels are. Prices vary according to the 'Star' rating.   If you make a sudden late decision to attend call on 0871-200-01718.

5.  Victory Services Club -   The Victory Services Club is a Tri-Service, All Ranks Members' Club for currently serving and retired members of the Armed Forces, ideally located at Marble Arch in the heart of London's West End.   You will need to join (Single membership is £20 per annum through varying other categories to the most expensive Family [joint] £45 per annum).

6.  Even if you are not coming to the AGM, it is worth noting that parents or children of serving or ex-service personnel can join in their own right under one of the membership categories, even though they have not been in any of the armed services. So if you or one of you family take grandchildren (or in our family more accurately termed 'domestic terrorists') to London for treats just once a year you will more than likely break even.   Two visits and you are in the money.    Costs vary: a single room, including breakfast, is £39.50.and at the other end of the scale, a family room en suite with 2 adults plus 1 sprog is £144.50.   If you are not on the net, I suggest you do as I suggested above and ask a relative or friend who is to let you see the website.   You can then do a virtual tour.   It's a really good deal.   Telephone 020-7616-8302.

7.  I hope this information was useful.

LIST OF POTENTIAL ATTENDEES AT THE 122 Wg JSL & 124 Wg AGM 2018 - 1200 hrs SAT 19 MAY 18

1px-trans.gif, 43 bytes
         122 Wing
  1. Bill Maish - 2. Chicken Curry
  2. Doug Aylward - 2. Chicken Curry
  3. Dickie Barraclough - 4. Sandwiches
  4. Michael Collins - 1. Steak Kidney and Mushroom Pie
  5. Ron Gray - 4. Sandwiches
  6. Del Gray - No food
  7. Danny Lavender - 2. Chicken Curry
  8. Johnny Macknish - 2. Chicken Curry
  9. Eric McFee - 5. Soup of the Day with Roll and Butter
  10. Paddy Minnis - 5. Soup of the Day with Roll and Butter. Rather appropriately in his 93rd year!
  11. Eric Pigdon - 1. Steak Kidney and Mushroom Pie
  12. Nick Pollington - Vegetarian
  13. Jake Prager - 1. Steak Kidney and Mushroom Pie
  14. Melba Prager - 3. Fish & Chips
  15. Mick Ryan, 122 Wg Web Master - 3. Fish & Chips and 5 - Soup of the Day
  16. Jo Ryan - 4. Sandwiches (Brown bread)
  17. Eric Sharp - 1. Steak Kidney Pie
  18. Clare Sharp - 1. Steak Kidney Pie
  19. Gordon Talbot - 4. Sandwiches
  20. Sheila Talbot - 4. Sandwiches
  21. Jack Waterfall - 4. Sandwiches

    124 Wing

  22. Hugh Cracroft - 1. Steak Kidney and Mushroom Pie
  23. Susie Lovatt - No food.
  24. Derek Morter - 4. Sandwiches
  25. Eibhlin Morter - 4. Sandwiches
  26. Al Pollock - 2. Chicken Curry
  27. Trish Pollock - 4. Sandwiches (Brown Bread)
  28. Smudge Smith - 4. Sandwiches (Brown bread)
  29. Bob Snare - Vegetarian
  30. Pamela Snare - Vegetarian
  31. Nigel Walpole - 2. Chicken Curry
23+ 8 Ladies = 31 Total

Total Meal choices:

1. Steak Kidney and Mushroom Pie - 6
2. Chicken Curry with Rice - 6
3. Fish & Chips. - 2
4. Sandwiches - 10 (3 brown bread)
5. Soup of the Day with Roll and Butter - 3
Vegetarian - 3
No food - 2

Total - 31

Apologies for Absence:

122 Wing

  1. George Beaton - paid for JSL postage and enough for some drinks on the night!-->
  2. Pete Bouch
  3. Jim Browne mobility
  4. Fred Butcher
  5. Henry Chambers
  6. Joy Chambers
  7. Roy and Muriel Cope-Lewis
  8. John Farley
  9. Mike Gallafent
  10. Ken Goodwin
  11. Sue Goodwin
  12. Joy Harris
  13. Paul Hayward
  14. Bob Holliday
  15. Pete Jennings
  16. Peter Jones
  17. Jennifer Jones
  18. Roger Lindsay
  19. Kay Minnis
  20. Mamie Sharman
  21. Chris and Toni Stone
  22. Brian Thornton
  23. Ann Thornton
  24. Geoff Timms
  25. Jill Timms
  26. Barrie Tonkinson
  27. Mike Tyrrell
  28. Hilary Tyrrell
  29. Air Marshal Sir John "Whisky" Walker
  30. Mike Wraight

124 Wing

  1. Phil Alston
  2. Louise Alston
  3. John Preece
Pictures of AGM 2018 at the RAF Club, on 19th May 2018
(Thanks to Eric Pigdon.)

  1. Al Pollock.
  2. Johnny Macknish.
  3. Mick Ryan.
  4. Ron Gray.
  5. Eric McFee.
  6. Michael Collins, Jake and Melba Prager.
  7. This side of nearest table, left to right: Dickie Barraclough, Paddy Minnis and Gordon Talbot.   Far side Derek Morter, Bill Maish and Sheila Talbot.
  8. Nearest table, left to right: Gordon Talbot, Paddy Minnis and Dickie Barraclough.
  9. Far side of nearest table, left to right: Pamela Snare and Nigel Walpole.   This side Hugh Cracroft and Bob Snare.
  10. Left side of nearest table, left to right: Gordon Talbot, Paddy Minnis, Dickie Barraclough and Eibhlin Morter.   Right side Derek Morter.
  11. Pamela Snare and Nigel Walpole.
  12. Left to right: Trish and Al Pollock, Susie Lovatt and Danny Lavender.
  13. Left to right: Susie Lovatt, Danny Lavender and Mick Ryan.
  14. Left to right: Doug Aylward and Smudge Smith.   Doug came along to give us a presentation on the memorials that he and Jack Waterfall have been arranging at GAF Jever.
  15. Left to right: Nick Pollington and Jack Waterfall who gave a presentation on the memorials that they have been setting up at GAF Jever.
  16. Left to right, far side nearest table:Johnny McKnish and Jake Prager.   This side: Ron Gray and Melba Prager.
  17. Left to right, far side nearest table:Johnny Macknish, Jake Prager, Nick Pollington and Jack Waterfall.
  18. Bill Maish, President Jever Steam Laundry announcing this year's winner of the "Golden Share".   Left to right, left table far side: Pamela Snare and Nigel Walpole.   This side: Bob Snare.   Right table far side: Jo Ryan and Trish Pollock.   This side Mick Ryan.
  19. Left to right, far side nearest table: Gordon Talbot, Paddy Minnis (head hidden), Dickie Barraclough and Eibhlin Morter.   This side: Derek Morter.
  20. Left to right, far side nearest table: Gordon Talbot, Paddy Minnis and Dickie Barraclough.   This side: June Farlow, Sheila Talbot and Derek Morter.
  21. Doug Aylward briefing us on the work that Jack Waterfall and his team have been doing at GAF Jever in setting up WW2 memorials.   Left to right, far side furthest table: Doug Aylward, Smudge Smith and Ron Gray.  Near side furthest table, Jack Waterfall, Nick Pollington (hidden), Jake Prager and Johnny Macknish.   Far side nearest table: Derek Morter.   Near side nearest table: Eibhlin Morter, Dickie Barraclough and Paddy Minnis.
  22. Left to right far side furthest table, Derek Morter, Sheila Talbot and June Farlow.   Near side furthest table: Dickie Barraclough, Paddy Minnis and Gordon Talbot.
  23. Last year's winner of the olden Share, Ron Gray, congratulations this year's recipient, Dickie Barraclough, and gives him the award watched by Jever Steam Laundry President, Bill Maish.   Left to right Paddy Minnis, Dickie Barraclough, Eibhlin Morter, Ron Gray, Derek Morter and Bill Maish.
  24. At this year's AGM, Doug Aylward and Jack Waterfall put on a display commemorating the Wellington raids on Wilhelmshaven at the start of WWII.   L to R: Doug Aylward, Mick Ryan and Jack Waterfall.
  25. At this year's AGM, Doug Aylward and Jack Waterfall put on a display commemorating the Wellington raids on Wilhelmshaven at the start of WWII.
  26. At this year's AGM, Doug Aylward and Jack Waterfall put on a display commemorating the Wellington raids on Wilhelmshaven at the start of WWII.
  27. At this year's AGM, Doug Aylward and Jack Waterfall put on a display commemorating the Wellington raids on Wilhelmshaven at the start of WWII.   Here is a poster they prepared announcing the activities of the remembrance organisation Heligoland 39.

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