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Calling Notice for 13Jan62 & Minutes of Annual General Meeting 7Jan61


Notice to Shareholders

1.   Following certain incidents after the last A.G.M., our secretary,
is missing, believed to be in hiding in the upper reaches of Halton
Messoleum.   A search party which was sent out has become bogged
down in a Victorian servants loo in the East Wing. It is under-
stood that the inclusion of untried X fronts and W fronts in their
equipment has not helped, the latter having caused considerable
confusion, not to say embarrassment.

2.   Your Directors, are also concerned over the appearance at
Bodgeley Priory of large quantities of Frozen Chinese Dingleberries
and a rumour that the Channel tunnel will not be able to take the
goods.   Most alarming of all has been the recent and adverse
publicity on a nation-wide scale for our major product: FALL-OUT.

3.   Your directors therefore propose to held a STAND-UP DEMONSTRATION
at the usual place at 6 p.m. on Saturday 13th January, [this has to be 1962
as 13Jan61 is a Friday].   Non-violence is advocated, and shareholders
are asked to resist any efforts to move them out, by going limp at closing
time, if they have not gone limp already.
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