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122pic093.jpg, 14180 bytes
NAAFI activities about May54 - Dave Lewington buys a cuppa.   The NAAFI girls are Barbara and Lizabeth but the main point of including this picture is to show the price list for food (all in UK currency).   The most popular meal by far was egg, double chips and beans at 1s 4d (6.5p and £1.35 at today's values).

Here is the menu price list compared at today's values:

Item                         May54    Today's      Today's
                                                 Currency      Value
Fried tomatoes            5d          2p             £0.42
Pork Chop                1s 6d       7.5p             £1.51
Fried Steak             1s 2d           6p             £1.18
Braised Steak        1s 6d        7.5p             £1.51
Cold Ham                1s 4d        6.5p             £1.35
Bacon Fried               11d        4.5p             £0.92
Ham Omelette          11d        4.5p             £0.92
Fried Sausages           4d        1.5p             £0.34
Fried Liver              1s 3d            6p             £1.26
Fried Kidney           1s                 5p             £1.01
Steak Pie              1s 11d         9.5p            £1.93
Beef Pudding            11d         4.5p            £0.92
Fried Eggs                   6d         2.5p            £0.50
Beans                           4d         1.5p            £0.34
Spaghetti                    6d         2.5p             £0.50
Peas                             4d         1.5p            £0.34

(Thanks to Dick Endecott)
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